Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 158

I was always enamored with TV shows and movies. But you didn\'t grow up in my town and turn into an actor.
I was always enamored with TV shows and movies. But you didn't grow up in my town and turn into an actor.
 Scott Wolf
But beyond the bright searchlights of science, Out of sight of the windows of sense, Old riddles still bid us defiance, Old questions of Why and of Whence.
 William Cecil Dampier
In Miami they're building all these hideous monstrosities. It's just so easy to be an architect, once you've got the ability to do your computer drawings. They just knock off each other. There's nothing creative in any of them.
 Barbara Hulanicki
He who desires a lifetime of happiness with a beautiful woman desires to enjoy the taste of wine by keeping his mouth always full of it.
I spend hours mowing the lawn in absolutely straight lines on my tractor. If it's not right, I do it again.
 Britt Ekland
I grew up in a family business... that really has provided the core of my belief in American small business, and in America's ability to grow and operate important businesses that can compete and be successful.
 Karen Mills
The thinking part of mankind do not form their judgment from events; and their equity will ever attach equal glory to those actions which deserve success, and those which have been crowned with it.
What knowing the Mother means above all is daring to put love into action. The Mother herself is love-in-action, love acting everywhere and in everything to make creation possible.
 Andrew Harvey
ISIS is winning the propaganda war. They are recruiting people, including Americans, to join them, with the promise that they are joining this great apocalyptic movement that is going to defeat the West.
Intermittency [in availability for wind and solar] changes the economics, particularly this requirement that the power company at all times be able to require power. That\'s large.
Intermittency [in availability for wind and solar] changes the economics, particularly this requirement that the power company at all times be able to require power. That's large.
Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.
Being a warrior doesn't mean necessarily you need to win and succeed. It's just a spiritual condition of living a worthwhile life.
 Eugene Hutz
They do not abuse the king that flatter him. For flattery is the bellows blows up sin; The thing the which is flattered, but a spark To which that blast gives heat and stronger glowing.
Waiting for the winds of change to sweep the clouds away. Waiting for the rainbow's end to cast its gold your way ... You don't get something for nothing. You can't have freedom for free
 Neil Peart
Freshman want to play. Sophomores want to start. Juniors want to score. Seniors want to win
 John Beilein
Above the clouds I lift my wing To hear the bells of Heaven ring; Some of their music, though my fights be wild, To Earth I bring; Then let me soar and sing!
 Edmund Clarence Stedman
Sanctification has a double aspect. Its positive side is vivification, the growing and maturing of the new man; its negative side is mortification, the weakening and killing of the old man.
 J. I. Packer
This is a group playing together and that's the only way, I feel, this play can be successful and moving. I am so lucky to have the people that are in it. When I came here I didn't know who was going to be in the play.
 Gavin MacLeod
Even Gone With the Wind had a shocking, cold-blooded murder.
Even Gone With the Wind had a shocking, cold-blooded murder.
 Karin Slaughter
If at first you don't succeed, try management.