Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 155

When you start becoming really successful, the demons start to tempt you - the demons of vanity and self importance, drug abuse, the feelings of fraudulence. But, it\'s also a thrill. That\'s what I found weird.
When you start becoming really successful, the demons start to tempt you - the demons of vanity and self importance, drug abuse, the feelings of fraudulence. But, it's also a thrill. That's what I found weird.
 Ethan Hawke
What reason, like the careful ant, draws laboriously together, the wind of accident sometimes collects in a moment.
 Friedrich Schiller
A live action movie is work, and an animated movie is you showing up in your pajamas once every three months, or in my case, just a splash of baby powder. It's not any kind of heavy lifting.
 Ryan Reynolds
Thus I was able to make pioneering measurements of the height and physical scale of plasma clouds in the ionosphere and also to estimate wind speeds in this region.
 Antony Hewish
Unfortunately, as far as the music is concerned, what defines relevance is whether you are on the radio or whether you are on the cover of a magazine or whether you're winning MTV awards, and so on and so forth.
 Larry Mullen, Jr.
The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.
Action without planning is the cause of all failure. Action with planning is the cause of all success.
Maidens, like moths, are ever caught, by glare, And Mammon wins his way where seraphs might despair.
The wretch who lives without freedom feels like dressing in the mud from the streets Those who have you, o Liberty, do not know. you. Those who do not have you should not speak of you, but win you.
 Jose Marti
And I realized that sometimes the greatest triumphs in your life come in on little cat feet and sit on silent haunches and it\'s up to you to see it before it moves on.
And I realized that sometimes the greatest triumphs in your life come in on little cat feet and sit on silent haunches and it's up to you to see it before it moves on.
 Sally Field
If I had to name the single characteristic shared by all truly successful individuals, I’d say it’s the ability to create and nurture a network of contacts.
 Harvey Mackay
The abundant life does not come to those who have had a lot of obstacles removed from their path by others. It develops from within and is rooted in strong mental and moral fiber.
 William Mather Lewis
The people who are doing the work are the moving force behind the Macintosh. My job is to create a space for them, to clear out the rest of the organization and keep it at bay.
The sign of a great Master is his ability to win a won game quickly and painlessly
 Irving Chernev
Don't let someone who gave up on their dreams talk you out of going after yours.
We need to accept that we won't always make the right decisions, that we'll screw up royally sometimes - understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success.
 Arianna Huffington
All great achievements have one thing in common - people with a passion to succeed
 Pat Cash
Prosperity in the form of wealth works exactly the same as everything else. You will see it coming into your life when you are unattached to needing it.
Quit praying about yourself and spend your life for the sake of others as the bondservant of Jesus. That is the true meaning of being broken bread and poured-out wine in real life.
Quit praying about yourself and spend your life for the sake of others as the bondservant of Jesus. That is the true meaning of being broken bread and poured-out wine in real life.
If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.
 Jack Dixon