Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 14

[A community chalkboard is] about knowing you\'re not alone. It\'s about understanding our neighbors in new and enlightening ways.
[A community chalkboard is] about knowing you're not alone. It's about understanding our neighbors in new and enlightening ways.
 Candy Chang
The American Dream means giving it your all, trying your hardest, accomplishing something. And then I'd add to that, giving something back. No definition of a successful life can do anything but include serving others.
 George H. W. Bush
Christianity is the best way to cure gayness — just get on your knees, take a swig of wine, and accept the body of a man into your mouth.
So the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is out there preserving and fighting for, and sometimes winning and sometimes losing, the fight for First Amendment rights in comics and, more generally, for freedom of speech.
I have seen youths bright eyed and fair groping after bubbles in rapture, and conceiving them diamonds and the glitter of fine jewels, until their hand closed over a something that was not to be felt nor longer seen, mere colored air.
 Theodore Dreiser
Too much of anything is bad, but too much Champagne is just right.
Because mountains are high and broad, the way of riding the clouds is always reached in the mountains; the inconceivable power of soaring in the wind comes freely from the mountains
This whole religion revolves around knowing the truth and acting by it, and action must be accompanied by patience.
 Ibn Taymiyyah
For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him he must regard himself as greater than he is.
If a club is winning, you never pay attention to a guy who\'s 0-for-10. If a club is losing, all of a sudden you\'ll find that he\'s the main reason why you\'re losing, which is absurd for me.
If a club is winning, you never pay attention to a guy who's 0-for-10. If a club is losing, all of a sudden you'll find that he's the main reason why you're losing, which is absurd for me.
 Joe Torre
If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own.
While you live your life aboard the ship of life be aware of the sea of life on which it floats and on which it moves forward; be aware of the prevailing winds and currents that influence your progress as the master of the ship.
 Ian Gardner
I don't put the pressure on myself to be a very successful movie star. I want to enjoy being an actor and I want to be challenged by the roles I take.
 Thandie Newton
God is with you, and He'll help you make spiritual progress-strengthening and encouraging you to keep on keeping on during rough times. It's easy to quit, but it takes faith to press on to victory.
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
I didn't really watch action films growing up! I grew up on stuff like 'Anne of Green Gables' - that was more when I was in elementary school. It was all I ever watched.
 Gina Carano
Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed - there's so little competition.
I'm trying to be a loving and caring mother, a loving and caring wife-to-be, a loving and caring daughter, a loving and caring friend, a responsible person. And every day is another opportunity for me to be successful at that.
 Lauryn Hill
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do
I've always said that I expected to grow up and get married like any nice southern girl, but the fact is you don't get married in the abstract. You find someone that you'd like to be married to.