Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 134

If you really want to do something, you\'ll find a way. If you don\'t, you\'ll find an excuse.
If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.
Economists must leave to Adam Smith alone the glory of the Quarto, must pluck the day, fling pamphlets into the wind, write always sub specie temporis , and achieve immortality by accident, if at all.
 John Maynard Keynes
Natural selection is not the wind which propels the vessel, but the rudder which, by friction, now on this side and now on that, shapes the course.
 Asa Gray
One of the greatest and simplest tools for learning more and growing is doing more.
 Washington Irving
I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.
The truth is, I love Firestar now as much as I ever did, and I'll watch over him forever, knowing that he can never be mine. He belongs to Sandstorm and to ThunderClan. But my heart is his, and always will be.
 Erin Hunter
A great wind swept over the ghetto, carrying away shame, invisibility and four centuries of humiliation. But when the wind dropped people saw it had been only a little breeze, friendly, almost gentle.
 Jean Genet
Self-love is always the mainspring, more or less concealed, of our actions; it is the wind which swells the sails, without which the ship could not go.
 Emilie du Chatelet
Don't worry about your individual numbers. Worry about the team. If the team is successful, each of you will be successful, too.
 Branch Rickey
This fight should be dubbed, \'No Excuses.\' If Carl Froch beats me, there won\'t be any excuses. I beat Carl Froch, there shouldn\'t be any excuses. No judges, no referees, no nothing. May the best man win.
This fight should be dubbed, 'No Excuses.' If Carl Froch beats me, there won't be any excuses. I beat Carl Froch, there shouldn't be any excuses. No judges, no referees, no nothing. May the best man win.
 Andre Ward
You must intensify and render continuous by repeatedly presenting with suggestive ideas and mental pictures of the feast of good things, and the flowing fountain, which awaits the successful achievement or attainment of the desires.
 Robert Collier
No matter how successful I become as a playwright, my mother would be thrilled to hear me tell her that I'd just lost twenty pounds, gotten married and become a lawyer.
 Wendy Wasserstein
The argument for the free market is a complicated and sophisticated one and depends on demonstration of secondary effects. I have confidence market efficiency will win out.
After you pray, accept, adapt and move on, .. That's what winners do.
 Ann Jillian
Men's best successes come after their disappointments.
Dedication, absolute dedication, is what keeps one ahead. A sort of indomitable obsessive dedication and the realization that there is no end or limit to this because life is simply an ever-growing process, an ever-renewing process.
Implement your plans with courage and persistence. Have complete faith in your ability to succeed and never, ever give up.
I started drawing in first grade. Because the kid next to me was drawing, and I remember thinking: I want to be able to do that!
 Dan Povenmire
Each of the various tactics that have been tried to get Israel to budge.. nonviolent resistance, legal accountability, BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions).. has had some measure of success.
Each of the various tactics that have been tried to get Israel to budge.. nonviolent resistance, legal accountability, BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions).. has had some measure of success.
 Norman Finkelstein
Pentecost came with the sound of a mighty rushing wind, a violent blast from heaven! Heaven has not exhausted its blasts, but our danger is we are getting frightened of them.
 Smith Wigglesworth