Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 124

winning is not everything it is the only thing
winning is not everything it is the only thing
There is no state of satisfaction, because to himself no man is a success.
 Ellen Glasgow
You only fail if you don't finish the game. If you finish you win. You have to measure what you started out with by what you overcome.
 Mike Webster
I wanted to be a concert pianist at Carnegie Hall; that is what I wanted to do from really early on. I actually was the accompanist for a couple of the musicals I was in growing up.
 Kirsten Nelson
[Donald Trump] says if he wins, he`ll accept the outcome. If he lose, he will not accept the outcome. That is playing by two set of rules that is not very fair.
 Jesse Jackson
Few men have the natural strength to honor a friend's success without envy.
Luck is where opportunity meets preparation.
 Denzel Washington
If it be true that good wine needs no bush, 'tis true that a good play needs no epilogue.
A simple line painted with the brush can lead to freedom and happiness.
 Joan Miro
The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.
The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.
 Spencer Johnson
Her body was wrapped in shadows like moth wings, like rose-petals.
The true way and the sure way to friendship is through humility-being open to each other, accepting each other just as we are, knowing each other.
Time is too short in this one life, to be able to do everything, but it definitely is long enough at least to be able to develop the will to do anything & everything.
 Sujit Lalwani
Do not place hope in finding a secret technique. Polish the mind through ceaseless training; that is the key to effective techniques.
 Kyuzo Mifune
An insurance company might say, "Tell us more about yourself so your premiums can go down." When they say that, they're addressing the winners, not the losers.
 Cathy O'Neil
I have to understand the nature of change. And I cannot just work with stone or the more permanent materials. I need to work with leaves and ice and snow and mud and clay and water and the rising tide and the wind and all these.
 Andy Goldsworthy
Y'know, I realize that George W. Bush is an asshole, but don't judge all us yankees by the actions of our government. Remember, he didn't win the popular vote so it's not entirely our fault!
 Chris Shiflett
If England had Fergie, Wenger or Mourinho in charge, they would win the World Cup.
 Andy Gray
But high up on the mountain When the wind is hitting it If you\'re watching very closely The rock slips a little bit.
But high up on the mountain When the wind is hitting it If you're watching very closely The rock slips a little bit.
 Harry Chapin
Win or lose, we achieve nothing in the world that we understand [...]' 'But then the world does not matter.' 'Indeed it does not [...] It is good to understand that.
 David Gemmell