Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 116

All of us get knocked down, but it\'s resiliency that really matters. All of us do well when things are going well, but the thing that distinguishes athletes is the ability to do well in times of great stress, urgency and pressure.
All of us get knocked down, but it's resiliency that really matters. All of us do well when things are going well, but the thing that distinguishes athletes is the ability to do well in times of great stress, urgency and pressure.
 Roger Staubach
He whose mouth is out of taste says the wine is flat.
Mothers easily become jealous of their sons' friends when they are particularly successful. As a rule a mother loves herself in her son more than she does the son himself.
I hate motorcycles. Because if I hit one, even if it's not my fault, if I've done nothing wrong, I'm not charged with manslaughter, he's gonna die, because he's on a motorcycle. So I have to live my life knowing that I killed this guy.
 Chuck Klosterman
Many people look at successful entrepreneurs and think it's easy to get where they are at, but it really isn't. Many entrepreneurs work 16-18 hour days and thus have been able to achieve their high levels of success.
 Jeet Banerjee
To really become motivated to succeed, people need to believe they can win.
The middle of every successful project looks like a disaster.
 Rosabeth Moss Kanter
You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.
For me, winning isn't something that happens suddenly on the field when the whistle blows and the crowds roar. Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day that you train and every night that you dream.
 Emmitt Smith
The only difference now, for what it\'s worth, is that I know that these things don\'t matter. I know that I don\'t have to know anything, and I know that I don\'t have to fell frightened of not knowing-I just have to be here
The only difference now, for what it's worth, is that I know that these things don't matter. I know that I don't have to know anything, and I know that I don't have to fell frightened of not knowing-I just have to be here
 Kevin Brooks
I was prepared to get knocked out myself trying to knock him out, because then I could sleep at night knowing that I've given my best.
 Carl Froch
With each success the ability to change is reduced. My longtime friend and coach Grandmaster Yuri Dokhoian, aptly compared it to being dipped in bronze. Each victory added another coat.
Thurgood Marshall was uniquely able to understand and comprehend what it meant to grow up in the Jim Crow south.
 Dahlia Lithwick
We were in the shadow of the mountains, the light was cool and quiet and no wind was stirring. The aspen trunks were slightly greenish and the leaves were a vibrant yellow.
 Ansel Adams
The industrial landscape is already littered with remains of once successful companies that could not adapt their strategic vision to altered conditions of competition.
 Ralph Abernathy
A satirist, often in danger himself, has the bravery of knowing that to withhold wit's conjecture is to endanger the species.
 Penelope Gilliatt
What I like to do is to try to win as many tournaments and as many majors as I can, and with him [Tiger Woods] in the field, it just gives it more credibility, whatever it is I am able to accomplish.
 Phil Mickelson
Growing up with three brothers and three sisters, I was the storyteller of the family... what my mother called 'The Liar.'
 James Rollins
The role of science is to be systematic, to be accurate, to be orderly, but it certainly is not to imply that the aggregated, successful hypotheses of the past have the kind of truth that goes into a number system.
The role of science is to be systematic, to be accurate, to be orderly, but it certainly is not to imply that the aggregated, successful hypotheses of the past have the kind of truth that goes into a number system.
 Edwin Land
I serve your Beaune to my friends, but your Volnay I keep for myself.