Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 11

If my life was a movie, no one would believe it.
If my life was a movie, no one would believe it.
Not only in the creative world but also in the sports world. The most successful achievers in sports are people that are really driven and have that spirit of hunger.
 Rei Kawakubo
I've been very, very successful. It's very satisfying to me.
 Gloria Stuart
I die, as I have lived, a free spirit, an Anarchist, owing no allegiance to rulers, heavenly or earthly.
 Voltairine de Cleyre
My mother loved Gene Wilder when I was growing up, so I used to watch all his movies with her. I just adore him.
 Lucy Punch
I'll direct any movie starring a monkey or the Olsen Twins. Preferably both.
 Eli Roth
By drawing our senses of perception inward, we are able to experience the control, silence, and quietness of the mind.
 B.K.S. Iyengar
Ask yourself the secret of your success. Listen to your answer and practice it.
It doesn't matter what you achieve, if you don't keep growing you'll feel dead.
The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope.
The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope.
 Walter Benjamin
What I hope the most is to be more successful as a mother than in show business, because to be a mother is the most difficult I will ever have to do.
 Celine Dion
When we cling, often forever, to our old patterns of thinking and behaving, we fall to negotiate any crisis, to truly grow up, and to experience the joyful sense of rebirth that accompanies the successful transition into greater maturity.
 M. Scott Peck
Learning is never cumulative, it is a movement of knowing which has no beginning and no end.
Owing to the fact he was a mute they were able to give him all the qualities they wanted him to have.
 Carson McCullers
[W]hen the mind is really absent, in that silence, in that unlimited space, your potential starts glowing, radiating, flowering. Suddenly you are full of cherry blossoms, a new presence, a new fragrance.
You never cede control of your own ability to be successful to something called racism.
Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity and truth accomplishes no victories without it
 Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
When I'm in Italy on a Friday night, my first supper there is a big bowl of fresh pasta and a glass of local wine, sitting outside. There's nothing better.
 Alan Titchmarsh
The path to success is to take massive, determined action.
The path to success is to take massive, determined action.
One difference between successful people and all the rest is that successful people take action.