Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 109

Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.
Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.
 Lydia M. Child
Abundance is, in large part, an attitude.
 Sue Thoele
Why do I want my wife to show off her panties when the wind blows? Horses show their behinds, and cows and mules, not humans.
There is something solid and doughty in the man that can rise from defeat, the stuff of which victories are made in due time, when we are able to choose our position better, and the sun is at our back.
 James Russell Lowell
My doodles and sketches are not the work of an academic engineer. They represent many years of design study in attempts to produce the best value for money in the field of small car design.
 Alec Issigonis
I had no accomplishments except surviving. But that isn't enough in the community where I came from, because everybody was doing it. So I wasn't prepared for America, where everybody is glowing with good teeth and good clothes and food.
 Frank McCourt
I grew up in Ann Arbor, about 25 miles west of Detroit. And when you grow up in that area, you get a healthy dose of Motown automatically.
 Mayer Hawthorne
To help people believe they can achieve victory, put them in a position to experience small successes.
Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
 Earl Nightingale
Wins are the most important measure for goalies, I think. Certainly it's a great accomplishment.
 Curtis Joseph
He hesitated till the last moment, but finally dropped them in the box, saying, "I shall win!"--the cry of a gambler, the cry of the great general, the compulsive cry that has ruined more men than it has ever saved.
I'd forgotten not all victories are about saving the universe.
 Steven Moffat
Knowing what is big and what is small is more important than being able to solve partial differential equations.
 Stanislaw Ulam
Prospering just doesn't have to do with money.
Sing will all the voices of the mountain, paint with all the colors of the wind
Each generation has to stand up for democracy. It can't take anything for granted and may have to fight fundamental battles anew.
Most institutional investors feel compelled to swing at almost every pitch and forgo batting selectivity for frequency.
 Seth Klarman
OSTRICH, n. A large bird to which (for its sins, doubtless) nature has denied that hinder toe . . . . The absence of a good working pair of wings is no defect, for, as has been ingeniously pointed out, the ostrich does not fly.
OSTRICH, n. A large bird to which (for its sins, doubtless) nature has denied that hinder toe . . . . The absence of a good working pair of wings is no defect, for, as has been ingeniously pointed out, the ostrich does not fly.
Certainly I'll never be able to put myself in the situation that people growing up in the less developed countries are in. I've gotten a bit of a sense of it by being out there and meeting people and talking with them.