Winning Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 103

Trying to motivate yourself with fear is like screaming 
 at a child, Do something, dammit! You’ll either 
 freeze up or act in counterproducti ve ways. Fear 
 widens the knowing-doing gap. Don’t use it.
Trying to motivate yourself with fear is like screaming at a child, Do something, dammit! You’ll either freeze up or act in counterproducti ve ways. Fear widens the knowing-doing gap. Don’t use it.
 Martha Beck
I have been blessed to win a number of awards and be involved in numerous historical baseball moments over my 20-year career with the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres.
 Steve Garvey
In theater and dance, I was trying to win someone's approval, trying to get in, trying to be good. It felt out of my control, whereas music suddenly felt like this free expression. It was fun.
 Susanna Hoffs
Truly brave people accept that they may not see victory in their own lifetime. You just keep at it for the sake of those who come after you. You might not win but you stand a better chance by doing something.
 Tim Winton
Within you, whoever you may be, regardless of how big a failure you may think yourself to be, is the ability and the power to do whatever you need to do to be happy and successful.
 Maxwell Maltz
Whenever I hear, 'It can't be done,' I know I'm close to success.
 Michael Flatley
Content is fire. Social media is gasoline.
 Ryan Kahn
To be haunted by past failures or satisfied with past successes is to arrest forward motion.
 Conrad Hilton
Congratulations to the Italian people for winning the World Cup. ... They won after France's best player got ejected for head butting. That's the closest anyone in a French uniform has come to combat in 60 years.
There is no stimulus like that which comes from the consciousness of knowing that others believe in us.
There is no stimulus like that which comes from the consciousness of knowing that others believe in us.
 Orison Swett Marden
Achievers can almost literally taste success because they imagine their goals in such vivid detail. Setbacks only seem to add spice and favor to the final taste of victory.
It was very interesting growing up in South Africa then. It was extraordinary. It was multiculturalism before it became an issue.
 Roselee Goldberg
We used to send whole flocks of birds shooting out of our mouths and never managed to grab them by their wings.
 Henning Mankell
In artillery exercises, women always win because they're more accurate.
 Michelle Bachelet
Here, there's more of a movement, it doesn't mean we're winning any more, but we're at least fighting.
 Bill McKibben
If a writer publishes any thing that attracts notice, and is in itself just, but does not accord with our plan, we must endeavour to win him over, or decry him.
 Adam Weishaupt
Ambassador Winters, allow me to introduce my aunt Abby and her....boyfriend.' Townsed tensed. Abby glared. And Rebecca Baxter looked like she was going to choke on her chewing gum.
Games sometimes can reveal things. To watch someone in movement, unconscious movement, can be very stimulating and revealing, whether they win or not
 John Turturro
Victory over others brings us satisfaction, but victory over ourselves brings us joy.
Victory over others brings us satisfaction, but victory over ourselves brings us joy.
 David Hawkins
PLease, do not visualize that we exist above you such as in heaven. The concepts above and below are products of your mind. The soul does not swing upwards. It exists in the center and orients itself in every direction.
 Hans Bender