Unleash Your Willpower: Quotes to Ignite Your Determination - page 6

Keep your hands open, and all the sands of the desert can pass through them. Close them, and all you can feel is a bit of grit.
Keep your hands open, and all the sands of the desert can pass through them. Close them, and all you can feel is a bit of grit.
 Taisen Deshimaru
My mother spoke of Christ to my father, by her feminine and childlike virtues, and, after having borne his violence without a murmur or complaint, gained him at the close of his life to Christ.
I have multiple personalities, but, being a fairly uncreative individual, they are all Thom Yorke.
 Thom Yorke
True theology is an actual determination and claiming of man by the acting God.
 Karl Barth
The South, to me, is fried chicken and catfish caviar --- that's grits --- and good-looking women.
 Erk Russell
Achievement does not require extraordinary ability. Achievement comes from ordinary abilities applied with extraordinary persistence.
 Ralph Marston
I've always written songs that were confessional, acoustic, wordy - my writing style matches my personality. The music always has to match the mouth it comes out of.
 Camila Cabello
The difference between success and failure isn't the absence of fear but the determination to pursue your heart's desires no matter how scared you are.
 Martha Beck
I think that's still what the American Dream means: that with perseverance, with hard work, you can become something, that the classes won't prevent you from becoming, that there's a movement up that ladder with hard work.
 Doris Kearns Goodwin
When you hear that something can’t be done, ignore that advice and push forward.
When you hear that something can’t be done, ignore that advice and push forward.
The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore.
Her strength was in the integrity of her actions; she never compromised what she believed she ought to do.
 Charles Finch
You are not your bank account, or your ambitiousness. You're not the cold clay lump with a big belly you leave behind when you die. You're not your collection of walking personality disorders. You are spirit, you are love.
All change begins with a DECISION. Once the decision is made, DISCIPLINE becomes the bridge between desire and accomplishment.
 A. R. Bernard
It may be that even if half consciously, we choose our personalities to maintain a certain saving balance in the family's little universe.
 Arthur Miller
With acknowledgement of residues, we can be more easily prepared to grant the unit of science, the overlapping of disciplines, and the total coherence of all facts.
 Kenneth Lee Pike
The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.
Motivation fuels the attitude that builds the Confidence necessary to sustain the Persistence.
Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination.
Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination.
 Carl von Clausewitz
Atticus Lish is a true original and this is a tremendous book, relentless, moving, written in prose of marvelous integrity. Now that America and the novel are dead, I hope we can have more great American novels as alive as this one.
 Sam Lipsyte