Unleash Your Willpower: Quotes to Ignite Your Determination - page 55

The consequence of the Bay of Pigs failure wasn\'t an acceptance of Castro and his control of Cuba but, rather, a renewed determination to bring him down by stealth.
The consequence of the Bay of Pigs failure wasn't an acceptance of Castro and his control of Cuba but, rather, a renewed determination to bring him down by stealth.
 Robert Dallek
I think that every enduring story that has expressions over multiple periods, that role of being the keeper of the integrity of the vision is a very important role.
 Christopher Meledandri
I would die happy if I knew that on my tombstone could be written these words, "This man was an absolute fool. None of the disastrous things that he reluctantly predicted ever came to pass!
 Lewis Mumford
Release for constructive purposes the power you already have, and more will come. Move on your path with unflinching determination, using all the attributes of success. Tune yourself with the creative power of spirit.
 Paramahansa Yogananda
Teach economy. That is one of the first and highest virtues. It begins with saving money.
Every time women make tremendous strides, the right wing gets terrified and creates laws making it hard to get an abortion or birth control.
It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read.
I am sure you will be guided right in your decision, to place implicit faith in his integrity and honesty. Best wishes from one who has known Richard longer than anyone else. His mother
 Hannah Milhous Nixon
In the long vista of the years to roll,\\ Let me not see my country's honor fade;\\ Oh! let me see our land retain its soul!\\ Her pride in Freedom, and not Freedom's shade.
 John Keats
There is nothing more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
There is nothing more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
 Joe Strummer
In search of a complete education with the ideals of trust, faith, understanding and compassion, many families are turning to the structure, discipline and academic standards of Catholic schools.
 Mark Foley
After all it is those who have a deep and real inner life who are best able to deal with the irritating details of outer life.
 Evelyn Underhill
Success is a combination of effort, talent and hard work. There's got to be hard work and mental toughness. It's not just one thing that gets you there it's an accumulation of things
 Brock Lesnar
Emotions were like wild horses and it required wisdom to be able to control them
Man is most happy, when his own actions are arguments and examples of his virtue.
 John Webster
Nothing can resist a will which will stake even existence upon its fulfillment.
Birth Control and abortion are turning out to be the great eugenic advances of our time.
 Frederick Osborn
It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.
Remember where you came from, where you\'re going, and why you created this mess you got yourself into in the first place.
Remember where you came from, where you're going, and why you created this mess you got yourself into in the first place.
Who sows virtue reaps honor.