Unleash Your Willpower: Quotes to Ignite Your Determination - page 15

Your integrity is more precious than your life.
Your integrity is more precious than your life.
 Randall Dale Adams
Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goals.
I want to accept all the difficulties that face me in life with perseverance and patience.
 Ameen Rihani
Similarly, dance is not just a raging sea of unrelated bodily movements; the relationship of those movements to one another is what creates integrity and integrality, a coherence and cohesion that the higher levels of our brain process.
 Daniel Levitin
When you discipline yourself to do what is hard, you gain access to a realm of results that are denied everyone else. The willingness to do what is difficult is like having a key to a special private treasure room.
 Steve Pavlina
I have been presented with roles with demand not just a physical ability but mental disciplines as well. 'Memoirs of a Geisha' was not so much about physical exertion...it was much more graceful and contained than that.
 Michelle Yeoh
Virtue does not consist in the absence of the passions, but in the control of them.
 Josh Billings
I believe that perseverance is vital to success in any endeavor, whether spiritual or temporal, large or small, public or personal. . . . All significant achievement results largely from perseverance.
 Joseph B. Wirthlin
He who allows oppression shares the crime.
 Desiderius Erasmus
At the heart of personality is the need to feel a sense of being lovable without having to qualify for that acceptance.
At the heart of personality is the need to feel a sense of being lovable without having to qualify for that acceptance.
 Paul Tournier
My mother married my father in 1956. She was twenty-eight, and he was thirty-one. She loved him with a fierce steadiness borne of loyalty, determination, and an unyielding dignity.
 Jill Lepore
The ability to subordinate an impulse to a value is the essence of the proactive person.
Attitude and personality are as important as experience and ability.
People who readily accept the need for a gym will resist that their personalities might need some work too.
Not only virtue, but also insight, not only sanctity but also wisdom, are the duties and tasks of mankind.
 Otto Weininger
Consider what you want to do in relation to what you are capable of doing. Climbing is, above all, a matter of integrity.
 Gaston Rebuffat
Decades, if not centuries are normally required for people to acquire the necessary disciplines and habits. In Britain, the road [to democratic government] took seven centuries to traverse.
 Jeane Kirkpatrick
A life of integrity is the most fundamental source of personal worth.
High birth is an accident, not a virtue.
High birth is an accident, not a virtue.
 Pietro Metastasio
The impossible often has a kind of integrity which the merely improbable lacks.