Whenever you move, I think ...

Whenever you move, I think you lose your history.
 Calista Flockhart

Quotes from the same author

I'm close with my parents. I have a lot of acquaintances, but my very good close friends are few I can count my very good friends on one hand. And that's how I like it to be.
 Calista Flockhart
I don't watch the show - only bits and pieces of all of them. The only one I sat through was the pilot.
 Calista Flockhart
Sometimes when you play a character, you can feel it in your body. And I felt like I had characteristics of my dog: the way Webster moves, the way he holds his head. I kind of adapted it into this part unconsciously
 Calista Flockhart
It's so funny how my name has always been such a big deal. When I was growing up, my family was always moving. I had to meet new people all the time. And they'd laugh.
 Calista Flockhart
I like to hike with my dog, Webster. It helps clear my mind.
 Calista Flockhart