When the Christian doesn't ...

When the Christian doesn't find joy on account of his happenings, he can always find joy in spite of them.
 E. Stanley Jones

Quotes from the same author

When man listens, God speaks; when man obeys, God acts; when man prays, God empowers.
 E. Stanley Jones
We find, sooner or later, that in prayer we either abandon ourselves or we abandon prayer.
 E. Stanley Jones
Spiritual power comes out of inward fellowship with God and abandonment to his purposes.
 E. Stanley Jones
There are two ways to be rich - one in the abundance of your possessions and the other in the fewness of your wants.
 E. Stanley Jones
You cease to move into yourself, away from others. You give up your antagonism. You begin to move toward others in love. God moved toward you in gracious, outgoing love, and you move toward others in that same outgoing love.
 E. Stanley Jones