When our Lord looked at us, ...

When our Lord looked at us, He saw not only what we were -- He was faithful in seeing what we could become! He took away the curse of being and gave us the glorious blessing of becoming.
When our Lord looked at us, He saw not only what we were -- He was faithful in seeing what we could become! He took away the curse of being and gave us the glorious blessing of becoming.

More phrases

It really is all about believing in yourself: 80 per cent mental, 20 per cent physical.
 Victoria Pendleton
I believe however that peace is attainable regardless of the Arabs mentality, society or government.
 Yitzhak Rabin
You have inside you the capacity to invest your mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts in a way that glorifies God, impacts the world, and satisfies your own soul. I believe that-and I want you to believe it, too.
 David Jeremiah
The 'Goonies' are a close knit group. They believe in themselves, even though there are doubters throwing darts at them outside...'Goonies never say die.' That's pretty in line with the mentality of our team.
 Robin Lopez
I believe that there's no improvement if you have an inferiority complex and victim mentality.
 Kim Nam-joon

Quotes from the same author

What good is all our busy religion if God isn't in it? What good is it if we've lost majesty, reverence, worship-an awareness of the divine? What good is it if we've lost a sense of the Presence and the ability to retreat within our own hearts and meet God in the garden?
The grace of God is infinite and beyond our ability to measure. His grace has no beginning and therefore no end.
Only the redeemed have the ability to like what God likes and to be pleased with what pleases God.
The more highly we think of ourselves-our abilities and talents-the less God can use us.
The Universal Presence is a fact. God is here. And He is no strange or foreign God, but the familiar Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who love has for thousands of years enfolded the sinful race of men. And always He is trying to get our attention, to reveal Himself to us, to communicate with us. We have within us the ability to know Him if we will but respond to His overtures.