When legal aid was first ...

When legal aid was first introduced in 1949, the late Arthur Skeffington said that the law at that time was like The Ritz, in that those who could afford to pay had access to it, while those who could not did not.
 Jeremy Corbyn

Quotes from the same author

I don't respond in any way to personal abuse that is thrown at me.
 Jeremy Corbyn
I don't make personal abuse against anybody, I don't mind personal remarks.
 Jeremy Corbyn
Of course we as Labour Party members must all be free to criticise and oppose injustice and abuse wherever we find it. But as today's Report recommends, can we please leave Hitler and Nazi metaphors alone (especially in the context of Israel). Why? Because the Shoah is still in people's family experience.
 Jeremy Corbyn
Labour Party members must all be free to criticise and oppose injustice and abuse wherever we find it.
 Jeremy Corbyn
Legal aid... is fundamental to giving everybody in this country access to justice.
 Jeremy Corbyn