When I was a teenager, I was ...

When I was a teenager, I was like, Something is wrong with me. I dont fit in. Im not like everybody else. So, I always knew that I wanted to explore and move on, but it was completely unexpected, the way it happened.
When I was a teenager, I was like, Something is wrong with me. I dont fit in. Im not like everybody else. So, I always knew that I wanted to explore and move on, but it was completely unexpected, the way it happened.
 Noomi Rapace

More phrases

Courage - a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it.
 William Tecumseh Sherman
The same mentality that leads to environmental despoliation, environmental destruction, also leads to damage to people.
 Naomi Oreskes
You can't break poor people mentality. Once you grow up poor, you don't take anything for granted. It can have the negative side also because you can never truly be relaxed.
 Will Smith
The man with the average mentality, but with control, with a definite goal, and a clear conception of how it can be gained, and above all, with the power of application and labor, wins in the end.
 William Howard Taft
I think society had to grow up to the mentality of Peter Norman.
 John Carlos

Quotes from the same author

I'm terrified of being too famous. What I'm really afraid of is that the audiences will go into the theater and not be able to forget that it's me, that fame will stand in the way of my acting. I want to keep being able to change into different shapes and different personalities.
 Noomi Rapace
I'm never satisfied. I can always find things that I can do better and go further on, so I force myself to accept when someone says, "We have it, it's good and we can move on.
 Noomi Rapace
I always felt like I was on the move, that I was going towards something.
 Noomi Rapace
I want to explore more sides of humanity and myself. That's what acting is about.
 Noomi Rapace
I like doing fight scenes. I always have, and I insist on doing as much of that action as they'll let me do. I think that's easy for me.
 Noomi Rapace