When a child is starving, a ...

When a child is starving, a family may not be able to think about long-term sustainability or damage to ecosystems that support endangered species.
 Helene D. Gayle

Quotes from the same author

What keeps me motivated is going out to the field and seeing programs that incorporate a focus on both people and the planet, and seeing how mutually reinforcing they can really be.
 Helene D. Gayle
You can't marginalize more than half of the globe's population and expect to see any meaningful solutions to the problems that ail the world.
 Helene D. Gayle
The environmental movement could do a better job incorporating the message about the connection between poverty and environmental degradation, and building that message at the grassroots level.
 Helene D. Gayle
Learn to forgive yourself and move on.
 Helene D. Gayle