What is the environmental ...

What is the environmental policy of the Republican Party? When I ask that question, I get a blank stare, if I\'m president of the United States, we\'re going to address climate change and CO2 emissions in a business-friendly way.
What is the environmental policy of the Republican Party? When I ask that question, I get a blank stare, if I'm president of the United States, we're going to address climate change and CO2 emissions in a business-friendly way.
 Lindsey Graham

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Many sports, not just football, have kind of the macho meathead mentality where innovation is almost frowned upon.
 Lawrence Jackson
This is ideological colonization. They colonize people with ideas that try to change mentalities or structures, but this is not new. This was done by the dictatorships of the last century.
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.
To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
 Henri Bergson

Quotes from the same author

President Bush has shown great leadership. He has said that the 21st century will not be ruled or dictated by terrorists, dictators, and murderers. He is absolutely right. God bless him for his resolve.
 Lindsey Graham
As to freedom, it is cherished, it is hard to come by, it is hard to hang on to. But freedom without responsibility is chaos, so to those who push the idea that freedom would allow an individual to do anything, anywhere, at any time, I reject, your freedom ends where my ability to raise my family safely begins. So I would urge every American to vaccinate their children and I would reject any effort to stop vaccinations until someone can show me a scientific reason to do so.
 Lindsey Graham
Do not give the terrorists, the enemy combatants, the people who blow up folks at weddings, who fly airplanes into the twin towers, the ability to sue our own troops all over the country for any and everything.
 Lindsey Graham
From a policy point of view, I don't think it's the right approach. I don't like the idea of having millions of people here for their entire life without being able to assimilate into America...From a political point of view, we've got 55 Democrats sent and a 72 percent support for a path to citizenship. It's just not practical to think we'll be able to pass any bill in the United States Senate without a path to citizenship.
 Lindsey Graham
Donald Trump has gone from making absurd comments to being downright dangerous with his bombastic rhetoric.
 Lindsey Graham