What is filmmaking but ...

What is filmmaking but groping in the dark?
 Alexander Payne

Quotes from the same author

I always wanted 'Sideways' to be like a great 1960s Italian film.
 Alexander Payne
When I'm introduced as a two-time Oscar winner, I'm happy that a film of mine has found an audience and some acclaim because that keeps me in business. A filmmaker's greatest concern is the ability to make future films, so it helps keep me in business.
 Alexander Payne
I don't feel despair because I am able to make the films I want to make, and that gives me hope.
 Alexander Payne
I read reviews of critics I respect and feel I can learn something from. Right now there are a lot of bottom-feeder critics who just have access to a computer and don't necessarily have an academic or cinema background that I can detect, so I tend to ignore that and stay with the same top-tier critics that I've come to respect. I like reading a good review - it doesn't have to be favorable, but a well-thought-out one - because I very much appreciate the relationship of directors and critics.
 Alexander Payne
I definitely in filmmaking more and more find writing and directing a means to harvest material for editing. It's all about editing.
 Alexander Payne