We will see beauty in the ...

We will see beauty in the outer world when we are able to see beauty within ourselves. And this is the best thing we can do for ourselves and for the universe.
 Anita Moorjani

Quotes from the same author

The games we have the ability to play in our minds amaze me.
 Anita Moorjani
I'm at my strongest when I'm able to let go, when I suspend my beliefs as well as disbeliefs, and leave myself open to all possibilities. That also seems to be when I'm able to experience the most internal clarity and synchronicities.
 Anita Moorjani
We're all born with an ego - it's a natural part of who we are here. We're only completely without it in death. Fighting against this during life only creates more self-judgment. Plus, only when we love our ego unconditionally are we able to accept everyone else's. This is when it stops being an issue, and your humility and magnificence really shine through.
 Anita Moorjani
Transform your world by transforming your internal state. Start by learning to let go of negative self judgment, and replace it with positive and loving thoughts about yourself. Be kind to yourself, and watch your external world change.
 Anita Moorjani
One of the biggest lessons I learned from nearly dying of cancer is the importance of loving myself unconditionally. In fact, learning to love and accept myself unconditionally is what healed me and brought me back from the brink of death.
 Anita Moorjani