We reject the way the world ...

We reject the way the world is at the moment and we don't accept nuclear weapons
 Mairead Corrigan

Quotes from the same author

I was born into a Catholic family. I grew up in West Belfast. Faith was very important to us eight children and my mother and father. It was grounded in the Christian tradition of social involvement.
 Mairead Corrigan
I support this proposal and agree with this great and important initiative to abolish militarism and war. I will continue to speak out for an end to the institution of militarism and war and for institutions built on international law and human rights and nonviolent conflict resolution.
 Mairead Corrigan
We as a human family are on this train that is taking us into more and more war and more and more abuse of human rights where a lot of civilians are being killed and where human rights and international law are being set aside by America and NATO.
 Mairead Corrigan
I have always been inspired by the American peace movement because it is operating in a very hard and militarist environment.
 Mairead Corrigan
Palestine has a very strong nonviolent movement.
 Mairead Corrigan