We are commanded to love God ...

We are commanded to love God with all our strength, heart, mind and soul and our neighbor in the same way God loves us - it is the same love flowing between God and the soul - the soul and its neighbor. It is difficult, but the burden of the cross is light compared to the cross of uncontrolled emotions, anger, insistence on one's own opinion, the frustration of trying to change others rather than being changed oneself, resentment, regrets and guilt. Accepting the present moment like Jesus did is certainly a lighter burden.
 Mother Angelica

Quotes from the same author

Two of man's basic needs are to love and to share. Both of these needs are satisfied in greater or lesser degree by friendship.
 Mother Angelica
I guess that is what dying must be like; to be finished and to be able to look back at the struggles of life, and know that God was your constant companion.
 Mother Angelica
Never put a lid on God. You can give God a thimble and ask for a quart. It won't work. Your plans, your projects, your dreams have to always be bigger than you, so God has room to operate. I want you to get good ideas, crazy ideas, extravagant ideas. Nothing is too much for The Lord to do - accent on 'The Lord'.
 Mother Angelica
You can't go to Heaven hating somebody. Forgive now. Be compassionate now. Be patient now. Be grateful now. Love Jesus and Mary now. Accept God's will now.
 Mother Angelica
Only in eternity shall we see the beauty of the soul, and only then shall we realize what great things were accomplished by interior suffering.
 Mother Angelica