We all come into this world ...

We all come into this world the same: naked, scared, and ignorant. After that grand entrance, the life we end up with is simply an accumulation of the choices we make.
 Darren Hardy

Quotes from the same author

Since your outcomes are all a result of your moment-to-moment choices, you have incredible power to change your life by changing those choices. Step by step, day by day, your choices will shape your actions until they become habits, where practice makes them permanent.
 Darren Hardy
We can all make powerful choices. We can all take back control by not blaming chance, fate, or anyone else for our outcomes. It’s within our ability to cause everything to change. Rather than letting past hurtful experiences sap our energy and sabotage our success, we can use them to fuel positive, constructive change.
 Darren Hardy
Choose to make up for what you lack in innate ability with discipline, hard work, and good habits. Become a creature of champion habits.
 Darren Hardy
The words we use don't matter as much as the emotion behind the words. When we understand this, we have the ability to influence, inspire, persuade and affect others.
 Darren Hardy
Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum.
 Darren Hardy