Powerful Warrior Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Strength - page 49

Those who won our independence... valued liberty as an end and as a means. They believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty.
Those who won our independence... valued liberty as an end and as a means. They believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty.
 Louis D. Brandeis
That was the action figure I was playing with. I grew up having this fantasy of being a superhero, being Princess Power.
 Milla Jovovich
It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.
 Christian Bale
I wouldn't choose conscientious objector and I wouldn't go to Canada. I did what Hap did and almost went to prison. I think the threw me a bone as the war was winding down, and I think they accepted my sincerity for being against that war.
 Joe R. Lansdale
We want deeper sincerity of motive, a greater courage in speech and earnestness in action.
 Sarojini Naidu
In life, worthwhile accomplishments and acquisitions take time. Usually the better the reward, the more time it takes to acquire it.
The warrior instinct comes in, the heart, determination, the will to win. Even though you're rocked you still have to fight hard, to come back.
 Timothy Bradley
Mr. President at this time it is suicide, murder, and will lose us every friend at the North. You will wantonly strike a hornet's nest which extends from mountain to ocean, and legions now quiet will swarm out and sting us to death.
 Robert Toombs
Since strict obedience is demanded and harshly enforced, only the least talented, least articulate, least nuanced thinkers, least likely to take a stand against abuse, and the least courageous people thrive in the Church today.
 Kate Kelly
I wouldn\'t wanna fight me, because I know it wouldn\'t be a good outcome for both.
I wouldn't wanna fight me, because I know it wouldn't be a good outcome for both.
 Bernard Hopkins
Not without hope we suffer and we mourn.
If, on our own account, we do not intend to wage war, we are much less willing to do so for interests which do not concern Germany and are alien to it.
Nonviolence is absolute commitment to the way of love. Love is not emotional bash; it is not empty sentimentalism. It is the active outpouring of one's whole being into the being of another.
When it comes to the pinch, human beings are heroic. Women face childbed and the scrubbing brush, revolutionaries keep their mouths shut in the torture chamber, battleships go down with their guns still firing when their decks are awash.
Abilities wither under faultfinding, blossom with encouragement.
 Donald Laird
They gazed on each other with tender delight,
Some flag waving is good, a lot of flag waving is tolerable, incessant flag waving is crazy and dangerous and easily manipulated by the war party to get people bubbling at the mouth in fear and rage.
 Nicholas von Hoffman
A responsible Warrior is one who has proved able to observe and to learn.
Autumn arrives like a warrior with the stain of blood upon his brazen mail. His crimson scarf is rent. His scarlet banner drips with gore. His step is like a flail upon the threshing floor.
Autumn arrives like a warrior with the stain of blood upon his brazen mail. His crimson scarf is rent. His scarlet banner drips with gore. His step is like a flail upon the threshing floor.
That love, or none, is fit for one