Powerful Warrior Quotes to Ignite Your Inner Strength - page 120

We\'ve been able to handle any team that you guys put in front of us. We\'ve had confidence since day one. ... We feel like any team we play against, we\'ve got what it takes to put ourselves in a position to win.
We've been able to handle any team that you guys put in front of us. We've had confidence since day one. ... We feel like any team we play against, we've got what it takes to put ourselves in a position to win.
 Tristan Thompson
With the eyes of a warrior, Zelo! I learned so many moves from my older members. I do my upmost to give my best.
In environments where corporations become too interventionist and capture regulation themselves, the government must be able to battle back so that the people have a chance.
 Ian Bremmer
It's only boxing, don't worry about it. Let's get it on!
 Carl Froch
“There has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it.”
 Alexander The Great
Growing up, I kind of adopted that mentality, going all out, being a warrior.
 Nonito Donaire
In the 1930s one was aware of two great evils - mass unemployment and the threat of war.
 James Meade
We forget that we were put on earth to learn something. If everything were perfect in this life, we would never learn anything new. We would not be able to elevate our spirits through the events that happen to us.
 Lynn Andrews
We warriors of light must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know that the Universe is conspiring in our favor, even though we may not understand how.
I have served one idea, marched under one banner - war against all imposed authority - against every kind of deprivation of freedom, in the name of the absolute independence of the individual.
I have served one idea, marched under one banner - war against all imposed authority - against every kind of deprivation of freedom, in the name of the absolute independence of the individual.
 Alexander Herzen
Barbarian --A Code of Conduct honored by all true barbarian warriors, requiring excellent coordination with weapons, closeness to nature, awkwardness with women, common sense, and completion of the mission.
 Piers Anthony
At the Academy Award Dinners all the actors and actresses in Hollywood gather around to see what someone else thinks about their acting besides their press agents.
 Bob Hope
Ultimately, you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really NO PATH.
 Morihei Ueshiba
I don't think I've lost a beat at all. Because of my physique and my look...I fit in the natural action-hero role.
 Jose Canseco
Political history is far too criminal to be a fit subject of study for the young. Children should acquire their heroes and villians from fiction.
The junior Senator from Wisconsin, by his reckless charges, has so preyed upon the fears and hatred of uninformed and credulous people that he has started a prairie fire, which neither he nor anyone else may be able to control.
 J. William Fulbright
The warrior acts, the fool reacts.
 Dan Millman
I am a feminist, and I didn't think women would accept a throwback heroine.
 Linda Woolverton
Total victory is the only acceptable goal in a mind-control war because humanity is diminished so long as a single mind remains trapped in superstition [supernatural religion] by programming or choice.
Total victory is the only acceptable goal in a mind-control war because humanity is diminished so long as a single mind remains trapped in superstition [supernatural religion] by programming or choice.
 Howard Thompson
The invention of film has given our generation the dubious advantage of watching our acting heroes deteriorate before our eyes.
 Robert Brustein