Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 92

The Japanese couldn\'t have been all bad during World War II. Look at all the movies Hollywood was able to make on account of them. The Indians weren\'t the only bad guys. Thanks to the Japanese and Geronimo, John Wayne became a millionaire.
The Japanese couldn't have been all bad during World War II. Look at all the movies Hollywood was able to make on account of them. The Indians weren't the only bad guys. Thanks to the Japanese and Geronimo, John Wayne became a millionaire.
 Pat Morita
“Warriors do not lower themselves to the standards of other people; they live independently; according to their own standards and code of conduct.”
 Bohdi Sanders
Despair, when not the response to absolute physical and moral defeat is, like war, the failure of imagination.
 Adrienne Rich
A kiss is like a fight, with mouths.
 Kristen Schaal
The trials on the road to world harmony are no greater than the courage of those who accept the challenge.
 Carl Lewis
“You are a warrior! Built to endure. Able to conquer. Nothing can hold you down.”
 Beatrice Garrett
A bend in the road is not the end of the road…Unless you fail to make the turn.
A little less fight and a little more spark, close your mouth and open your heart.
 Elvis Presley
The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.
Her many achievements will be appreciated more as time goes on.
Her many achievements will be appreciated more as time goes on.
Ps. I am pretty certain Beyonce doesn't need you fighting any battles on her account. Seems like she's got everything covered perfectly well on her own.
 Shirley Manson
Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the absence of self.
 Erwin McManus
I think unleashing 3,000 smart bombs against the city of Baghdad in the first several days of the war to me, if those were unleashed against the San Francisco Bay Area, I would call that an act of extreme terrorism.
 Pete Stark
There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.
 Patrick Henry
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant.
A war minister is able to force the adoption of any measure desired by the Camp or to block any measure that meets his disapproval.
 Sadao Araki
Never be discouraged. If I were sunk in the lowest pits of Nova Scotia, with the Rocky Mountains piled on me, I would hang on, exercise faith, and keep up good courage, and I would come out on top.
Spielberg's film portrays Oscar as a hero of this century. That is not true. Neither he nor I were heroes. We were just what we were able to be. In war we are all souls without a destiny.
 Emilie Schindler
Self-pity is an acid which eats holes in happiness.
Self-pity is an acid which eats holes in happiness.
 Earl Nightingale
I feel like we are so much more comfortable sweeping things under the rug and putting on a brave face, and to me, sweeping under the rug is a coward move, not a brave move at all. I want to get out there and have a conversation.
 AnnaLynne McCord