Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 91

President Obama said that over 40 countries have offered to help the U.S. fight ISIS. Of course they said it the same way your friends do when they promise to help you move. \'Yeah just call me, you know, if I\'m around. It\'ll be fun.\'
President Obama said that over 40 countries have offered to help the U.S. fight ISIS. Of course they said it the same way your friends do when they promise to help you move. 'Yeah just call me, you know, if I'm around. It'll be fun.'
I'm a fighter through and through. I don't fear any person and to go inside that ring with a feared mentality, why even go inside the ring?
 Daniel Jacobs
Before I tried LSD, I'd been going to a psychologist for a couple of years. I found out about success that you have to fight for it a lot, then when you achieve it, you can't give up the fight.
 Larry Hagman
Lying and war are always associated. Listen closely when you hear a war-maker try to defend his current war: If he moves his lips he's lying.
 Philip Berrigan
I want everybody who is watching to come to the Academy Awards with us. I'm going to pay for the bus.
 Steven Cojocaru
In war, where imperfect intelligence, the threat of a catastrophe, and the number of accidents are incomparably greater than any other human endeavor, the amount of missed opportunities, so to speak, is therefore bound to be greater.
 Carl von Clausewitz
I'm a tomboy now. I always wanted to fit in with my brother's group, so I climbed trees and played with lead soldiers. But I'm a woman's woman. I never understood women who don't have woman friends.
 Naomi Watts
“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man, but soon or late the one who wins is the one who thinks he can!”
 Walter D. Wintle
It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results.
Only a war that serves no conceivable national interest gets the New York Time\'s endorsement. Liberals warm to the idea of American mothers weeping for their sons, but only if their deaths will not make America any safer.
Only a war that serves no conceivable national interest gets the New York Time's endorsement. Liberals warm to the idea of American mothers weeping for their sons, but only if their deaths will not make America any safer.
Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.
We must diligently strive to make our young men decent, God-fearing, law-abiding, honor-loving, justice-doing and also fearless and strong.
Cyber-related risks are a global threat of bloodless war. India can work towards giving world a shield from the threat of cyber warfare.
Awareness is the enemy of sanity, for once you hear the screaming, it never stops.
 Emilie Autumn
The war to preserve the privilege of mythmaking
 Marvin Bell
I got tired of everyone being in my way, so I had to kick them out to have my privacy.
 James Toney
Of all my accomplishments I may have achieved during the war, I am proudest of the fact that I never lost a wingman.
 Erich Hartmann
I have three sons, a husband, parents, and I'll fight and get angry, but what is very important that I have found as I've matured, is that I have to move on.
 Jami Gertz
You can imagine what a trip this is for a Jewish girl from Great Neck-I get to win an Academy Award and meet Elizabeth Taylor at the same time.
You can imagine what a trip this is for a Jewish girl from Great Neck-I get to win an Academy Award and meet Elizabeth Taylor at the same time.
 Julia Phillips
A hungry mind is not free, and I felt if we were really going to make a difference and fight poverty we should at least start with the ability to feed ourselves, and the millions of Africans who don't have it.