Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 58

Manpower without Unity is not a strength unless it is harmonized and united properly, then it becomes a spiritual power.
Manpower without Unity is not a strength unless it is harmonized and united properly, then it becomes a spiritual power.
 Vallabhbhai Patel
My very first recollection of life on earth was waking up in bed with my mother, and she was showing me a picture of my father, Charles Jackson, with a group of soldiers.
 Jesse Jackson
Every soldier knows this simple fact: If you don't know your enemy, you will not be able to defeat him.
 Tulsi Gabbard
Back in '93 I saw my first UFC fight and just became enamored by it then.
 Kevin James
Wine gives courage and makes men more apt for passion.
I believe that peace is not merely an absence of war but the nurture of human life, and that in time this nurture would do away with war as a natural process.
 Jane Addams
You either fight active evil or you accept it. Doing nothing is acceptance. There is no in-between.
 Bill O'Reilly
You would have made a fine warrior, you know that?" I am one. Death is my enemy." Yeah, it is, isn't it." God, it made such sense that he'd bonded with her. She was a fighter… like him. "Your scalpel's your dagger." Yup.
Without dreams, there can be no courage. And without courage, there can be no action.
 Wim Wenders
I’d been fighting for this relationship since the day I first saw his water eyes.
I’d been fighting for this relationship since the day I first saw his water eyes.
 Kiersten White
Be the trouble you want to see in the world.
 Joey Comeau
Well, it looks like we've moved a step closer to war. Not with Iraq. With France and Germany. How did we screw that one up?
Until a person takes responsibility for where he is, there is no basis for moving on. The bad news is that the past was in your hands, but the good news is that the future, my friend, is also in your hands.
 Andy Andrews
In any democracy, there is always a tug-of-war between policies to achieve equality and policies to promote excellence. I am certain that Canada can achieve both equality and excellence.
 John Turner
Let no one say that taking action is hard. Action is aided by courage, by the moment, by impulse, and the hardest thing in the world is making a decision.
 Franz Grillparzer
What you gotta understand is, in this conversation and in our fight, you're not in control.
 Andre Ward
If I move, if I speak, if I so much as blink, I'm going to lose this battle.
 Tabitha Suzuma
I'm sad to see the passing of the great drug warriors. I certainly did my part in that battle and I don't regret any of it.
 Marc Maron
We become just by performing just action, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave action.
We become just by performing just action, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave action.
Ali's daughter is fighting and Joe Frazier's daughter is fighting as well.
 Robert Goulet