Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 57

What the people want is very simple - they want an America as good as its promise.
What the people want is very simple - they want an America as good as its promise.
 Barbara Jordan
I'm trying not to delve into my world of abstraction and self-indulgence. But I haven't. When I sit down and I try not to [be abstract], it comes out really forced and awkward.
 Spencer Krug
I do acting for the awards... and cash money.
 Rebel Wilson
I've waited almost 10 months for this revenge, I know I deserve it.
 Sergio Martinez
On the other side of every mountain was another mountain.
 George Russell
I don't like you. Why you walk up on me dawg!?, I don't like you, I don't like you.
 James Toney
It was great. We knew we were going back when we finished the movie. It was such a big movie [Star Wars].
 Alan Tudyk
I want war. To me all means will be right. My motto is not "Don't, whatever you do, annoy the enemy." My motto is "Destroy him by all and any means." I am the one who will wage the war!
I'll say this about the war protesters: At least most of them are only putting duct tape across their mouths so I can still tell the rest of them to blow it out their ass.
 Dennis Miller
Success... it\'s what you do with what you\'ve got.
Success... it's what you do with what you've got.
 Leroy van Dyke
If I wanted to fight to make a better world racially, I wouldn't be in the music business. You dig, if I were going to be a freedom fighter music is the wrong field.
 Chaka Khan
What is new is not bisexuality, but rather the widening of our awareness and acceptance of human capacities for sexual love.
I have always felt sympathy towards the biologists who accept to debate creationists. Now I also understand them better; one can fight opinions, not articles of faith.
 Bertrand Meyer
When awareness believes what it knows is true, the truth of what awareness really is, moves. That movement is love.
 John de Ruiter
Satan's ultimate goal is to destroy the family, because if he would destroy the family, he will not just have won the battle; he will have won the war.
 Victor L. Brown
Ponder and deliberate before you make your move. He will conquer who has learned the artifice of deviation. Such is the art of maneuvering.
You will either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety.
 Abraham Maslow
To anyone out there especially young people feeling like they don't fit in and will never be accepted, please know this, great things can happen when you have the courage to be yourself.
 Michael Sam
He walked with long, ungraceful strides, enormous feet adding to the spectacle, and he sat a horse as if leaning into a strong wind.
He walked with long, ungraceful strides, enormous feet adding to the spectacle, and he sat a horse as if leaning into a strong wind.
 James I. Robertson, Jr.
Sit back and get some sleep. Oh great. So if we have an accident and I'm asleep my resistance toward fighting death will be down and I'll wake up in a morgue.