Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 54

Wars are never fought for one reason,\
Wars are never fought for one reason," he said. "They are fought for dozens of reasons, in a muddle.
 T. H. White
There is no definition of terrorism and there is still the reality that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.
 Kumi Naidoo
Words often spoil a moment of judgment or excitement; in all great puzzles and wars and movements, there is a moment to speak and a moment to accept with silent dignity.
 John Gallagher, Jr.
Truman left in the middle of an unpopular war, a war of choice. Truman didn't have to go into South Korea. And he was reviled and ridiculed for the stalemate that resulted. Now, he's seen as one of the great presidents of the 20th century.
 Charles Krauthammer
Peace, if it ever exists, will not be based on the fear of war, but on the love of peace. It will not be the abstaining from an act, but the coming of a state of mind.
 Herman Wouk
“Your mind is a battlefield, be its commander, not its soldier.”
 Warrior Quotes
It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
I accept that climate change is a challenge, I accept the broad theory about global warming. I am sceptical about a lot of the more gloomy predictions.
 John Howard
I don't think you get anything good if you just accept everything the way it rolls out. You have to fight for what you believe in.
 Nick Damici
Where I come from, being a hard man is being able to take a good beating and then get back up again and carry on fighting.
Where I come from, being a hard man is being able to take a good beating and then get back up again and carry on fighting.
 Mickey Rourke
We're all conditioned that we shouldn't like our brothers and sisters, that we should be angry and fight. But that's abnormal. A lot of people think that the way Serena and I are with one another is weird. It's not.
 Venus Williams
You, why are you so afraid of war and slaughter? Even if all the rest of us drop and die around you, grappling for the ships, you’d run no risk of death: you lack the heart to last it out in combat—coward!
A good director creates an environment which gives the actor the encouragement to fly.
 Kevin Bacon
Will we confront climate change in time or will we let fossil fuel companies determine our fate? This is a fight we can't afford to lose, and that's what keeps me moving forward.
 Frances Beinecke
The only moral virtue of war is that it compels the capitalist system to look itself in the face and admit it is a fraud. It compels the present society to admit that it has no morals it will not sacrifice for gain.
This is one of the stout-hearted old warriors: he is angry with civilization because he supposes that its aim is to make all goodthings--honors, treasures, beautiful women--accessible even to cowards.
War is always a struggle in which each contender tries to annihilate the other. Besides using force, they will have recourse to all possible tricks and stratagems to achieve the goal.
 Che Guevara
I haven't had an orthodox career, and I've wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!
 Sally Field
Revolution begins with the self, in the self.... We\'d better take the time to fashion revolutionary selves, revolutionary lives, revolutionary relationships. Mouth don\'t win the war.
Revolution begins with the self, in the self.... We'd better take the time to fashion revolutionary selves, revolutionary lives, revolutionary relationships. Mouth don't win the war.
 Toni Cade Bambara
I must honor those who fight of their own free will, he said to himself. And I must try to imitate their courage by following my path as a pacifist, wherever it takes me.
 Christopher Isherwood