Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 44

There is still nothing like equality for women in jobs, in family. There\'s just an awareness that inequality is not acceptable.
There is still nothing like equality for women in jobs, in family. There's just an awareness that inequality is not acceptable.
 Alix Kates Shulman
I now have two different audiences. There's the one that has been watching my action films for 20 years, and the American family audience. American jokes, less fighting.
 Jackie Chan
This is a war of the unknown warriors; but let all strive without failing in faith or in duty, and the dark curse of Hitler will be lifted from our age.
The salary of the chief executive of a large corporation is not a market award for achievement. It is frequently in the nature of a warm personal gesture by the individual to himself.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
 E. F. Schumacher
Let the past hold on to itself and let the present move forward into the future.
The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them.
 Gene Roddenberry
How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all of its beauty? It felt the encouragement of Light against its being; otherwise we all remain too frightened.
The Academy Awards are obscene, dirty . . . no better than a beauty contest.
 Dustin Hoffman
War is a foolish, childish, animalistic, unthinking, unintelligent way of trying to accomplish a purpose.
War is a foolish, childish, animalistic, unthinking, unintelligent way of trying to accomplish a purpose.
 Jayne Mansfield
You can't fight the desert... you have to ride with it.
 Louis L'Amour
Bute coming over here is a big mistake.
 Carl Froch
It's never acceptable to target civilians. It violates the Geneva Accords, it violates the international law of war and it violates all principles of morality.
 Alan Dershowitz
Islamic terrorism is not common crime but an act of war. Jihad is war. For the Jihadi it is a war; we must also accept it as such. Home grown Muslim militants must be treated, not just as enemy combatants but as traitors.
 Ali Sina
The effort to blur the lines between Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib reflects a deep misunderstanding about the different legal regimes that apply to Iraq and the war against al Qaeda.
 John Yoo
One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
You can't stay in one place. If you stay in one place you die. So you have to move forward.
 Rick Owens
A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war: wide-awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. Going to knowledge or going to war in any other manner is a mistake, and whoever makes it might never live to regret it
I have never cared very much for personal prizes. A person does not become a freedom fighter in the hope of winning awards.
I have never cared very much for personal prizes. A person does not become a freedom fighter in the hope of winning awards.
I' ve won awards. And they didn't make me feel bad winning them. They made me feel pretty good. But it also did not make me feel bad NOT winning the Academy Award.
 Al Pacino