Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 19

Man\'s freedom is never in being saved from troubles, but it is the freedom to take trouble for his own good, to make the trouble an element in his joy.
Man's freedom is never in being saved from troubles, but it is the freedom to take trouble for his own good, to make the trouble an element in his joy.
Freedom of speech is one of the greatest American liberties, and I hope this pardon serves as a reminder of the precious freedoms we are fighting to preserve as we continue to wage the war on terror.
 George Pataki
The first World War in so many ways shaped the 20th century and really remade our world for the worse.
 Adam Hochschild
A warrior knows that his days are few which leads him to an intense experience of life that is unknown to others.
 Milton Katselas
Though fraud in all other actions be odious, yet in matters of war it is laudable and glorious, and he who overcomes his enemies by stratagem is as much to be praised as he who overcomes them by force.
I saw pale kings and princes too, Pale warriors, death-pale were they all; They cried- "La Belle Dame sans Merci Hath thee in thrall!
 John Keats
Get Julian Jackson in here baby!...Julian Jackson, winner take all baby, that's all I gotta say, winner take all! Arghhh!
 James Toney
One of the rewards of success is freedom. the ability to do whatever you like.
We have a job to do. After the fight, I'll love him.
 Manny Pacquiao
I\'m going to Iowa for an award. Then I\'m appearing at Carnegie Hall, it\'s sold out. Then I\'m sailing to France to be honored by the French government - I\'d give it all up for one erection.
I'm going to Iowa for an award. Then I'm appearing at Carnegie Hall, it's sold out. Then I'm sailing to France to be honored by the French government - I'd give it all up for one erection.
 Groucho Marx
If the referee happens to be in the way you just yell, 'move or I'll break your ankles!' which I used to do with referees. Some refs will stop and watch the fight it drives you crazy.
 Harold Lederman
Face your fear Accept your war it is what it is.
 Zakk Wylde
I saw on HBO they were advertising a boxing match "It's a fight to the finish". That's a good place to end.
 Mitch Hedberg
It was just him and me. He fought with honor. If it weren't for his honor, he and the others would have beaten me together. They might have killed me, then. His sense of honor saved my life. I didn't fight with honor . . . I fought to win.
 Orson Scott Card
And one has to understand that braveness is not the absence of fear but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear.
My father - I once asked him what was his greatest achievement. He said his greatest achievement was that he fought in five wars in the infantry, always on the front line, and never hurt anybody.
 Etgar Keret
I thought I should forget Hollywood and go back to Hong Kong. I'm so lucky that finally Hollywood accepts my comedy fighting.
 Jackie Chan
My God, is it possible that all the people have gone mad? The civil war now being inaugurated will be as horrible as his Satanic Majesty could desire.
 Sam Houston
Our best presidents have really combined domestic leadership with heroic achievements in foreign affairs or war.
Our best presidents have really combined domestic leadership with heroic achievements in foreign affairs or war.
 Allan Lichtman
Don't fight the patent, fight the infringement.
 Drew Curtis