Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 15

I fight not for myself, I fight for the audience.
I fight not for myself, I fight for the audience.
 Vitali Klitschko
I've never been in this business for the recognition or the awards. I just want to do good work, grab a decent paycheck, and move onto the next job.
 William Petersen
The last person to achieve unambiguous victory in an air war was Zeus.
 Tony Snow
Has President Bush exceeded his constitutional authority or acted illegally in authorizing wiretaps without a warrant? Benjamin Franklin would not have thought so.
 Pete du Pont
The artistic element of Manhattan has kind of moved to Brooklyn. Has it changed it? Yeah. Has it ruined it? I would say no. It is what it is. I say better that than an urban war zone.
 Julian Casablancas
If your opponent wants to fight, the fight will be very interesting not just for the audience, but for myself.
 Vitali Klitschko
Basically, Sherri's idea had to do with bringing Fat's mind down from the cosmic and the abstract to the particular. She had hatched out the practical notion that nothing is more real than a large World War Two Soviet tank.
 Philip K. Dick
To this day, America is still the abiding alternative to tyranny. This is our purpose in the world, nothing more and nothing less.
I got nominated for an Academy Award(R) for writing 'Borat.'
 Todd Phillips
The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed.
The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed.
 Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Ah, you fight like a sissy demon. (Takeshi) Sissy demon? Have you ever met a sissy demon? (Savitar) I killed three this morning. (Takeshi)
Everyone should know that the 'war on cancer' is largely a fraud.
 Linus Pauling
I have reached a point in my life where I understand the pain and the challenges; and my attitude is one of standing up with open arms to meet them all.
 Myrlie Evers-Williams
For me, honestly, it's not about individual accomplishments, individual award. It's about what I've got to do and how I can contribute to the team.
 Sheryl Swoopes
When we speak of peace, we should not mean just the absence of war. True peace rests on the pillars of individual freedom, human rights, national self-determination, and respect for the rule of law.
I'm surprised that the fight was kind of easy.
 Manny Pacquiao
Women are pretty good. Women usually fight about some stupid guy and then when they figure out it's just a stupid guy they make up and move on.
 Garry Marshall
Texas is not a civilized place. Texans shoot one another a lot. They also knife, razor, and stomp one another to death with some frequency. And they fight in bars all the time.
 Molly Ivins
Be the compromise you want to see in the world.
Be the compromise you want to see in the world.
I have been a long and strong supporter of civil rights in my whole career. I led the fight to get the voting rights act re-enacted. I have been a strong supporter of affirmative action. I believe in it strongly.
 Dick Gephardt