Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 108

Both of us don\'t go backwards and I think that is the key to the fight. Whoever ends up going backwards is going to lose.
Both of us don't go backwards and I think that is the key to the fight. Whoever ends up going backwards is going to lose.
 Ricky Hatton
...You have to accept yourself, who you are. You don't believe. You still fight who you are. Until you accept yourself, until you believe, you won't be able to call forth your Han, your power, except in great anger.
 Terry Goodkind
When the advice of Moscow ran counter to [Ho Chi Minh's] own ideas - as in the 1930s - he kept his head down and waited until the situation changed in his favor with the beginning of the Pacific War.
 William J. Duiker
We must win the war on poverty by enlisting the greatest weapon ever invented - free enterprise
 Jack Kemp
If I'm in a situation where Duane Ford is one of the judges, I have to pick it up.
 Bernard Hopkins
I have me brave women who are exploring the outer edge of human possibility, with no history to guide them, and with a courage to make themselves vulnerable that I find moving beyond words.
Being born with a disability, can sometimes be a struggle, but it is the ability to overcome such a challenge, that makes it so worth the fight. NEVER GIVE UP!!!
 Robert M. Hensel
And the talk slid north, and the talk slid south With the sliding puffs from the hookah-mouth; Four things greater than all things are Women and Horses and Power and War.
 Rudyard Kipling
If they just reverse the division, ban the judges, and then it'll discourage other judges from ever doing this.
 Roy Jones Jr.
Matterhorn is my metaphor of the Vietnam War - we built it, we abandoned it, we assaulted it, we lost, and then we abandoned it again.
Matterhorn is my metaphor of the Vietnam War - we built it, we abandoned it, we assaulted it, we lost, and then we abandoned it again.
 Karl Marlantes
Brave people may be persuaded to an action by representing it as being more dangerous than it really is.
Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's the dealing with it.
 Randall "Tex" Cobb
In the free/libre software movement, we develop software that respects users' freedom, so we and you can escape from software that doesn't.
 Richard Stallman
Nonviolence is not just abstention from war, fighting, or animal flesh. It is abstention from negative thoughts and negative speech.
 Nathaniel Altman
Working in film, if you work with great directors, you learn that after every take you must let go. Sitting with my wife at the Academy Awards, we both let the moment just go.
 Ben Kingsley
Long-term trauma for women who have survived armed conflict is a haunting reminder that health issues and depression can follow decades after the end of war, but women who hope for healing can and do move forward.
 Zainab Salbi
We will not accept any...coexistence with Israel...Today the issue is not the establishment of peace between the Arab states and Israel....The war with Israel is in effect since 1948.
 Gamal Abdel Nasser
Aside from sending someone to war or to prison, government s ability to make people involuntarily give over their money is its strongest exercise of authority over private citizens and their institutions.
 William Greider
I like to move forward and notice things along the roadside that indicate where I should go.
I like to move forward and notice things along the roadside that indicate where I should go.
 Joshua Homme
My observations of Japanese naval fighting men, their abilities and equipment led me to believe that they gave a better account of themselves than we did.
 Jack Adams