Powerful War Quotes That Will Inspire and Motivate You - page 10

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. by Saint Philo of Alexandria
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. by Saint Philo of Alexandria
We were like heroes, to stand there and observe the police, and the police were scared to move upon us.
 Bobby Seale
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.
I joined the Army at 19 as a soldier and spent about four and a half years with them. Then I broke my back in a freefall parachuting accident and spent a year in rehabilitation back in the U.K.
 Bear Grylls
You know the type: loud as a motorbike but wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight.
I've been working every year since I started acting, and I got many awards before I won the Oscar for 'The Queen.'
 Helen Mirren
Sending our young men and women into battle is perhaps the most serious course of action a Nation can undertake.
 Bennie Thompson
WikiLeaks is exposing our government officials for the frauds that they are. They also show us how governments work together to lie to their citizens when they are waging war.
 Jesse Ventura
I am not accustomed to pay fulsome compliments to the English, by telling them that they are superior to all the world; but this I can say, that they do not deserve the name of cowards.
 Richard Cobden
The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free.
The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free.
The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.
All work is easy work.
 Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Out of nowhere, Valek appeared before me, yelling in my ear, shaking my shoulders. Stupidly, belatedly, I realized he was the drunk. Who else but Valek could win a fight against four large men when armed only with a beer mug?
 Maria V. Snyder
Remorse has no place in a warrior's mind... A war is like a game of chess, Nicholaa. Every battle is like a well-thought-out move on the board. Once it begins, there shouldn't be any emotion involved whatsoever.
 Julie Garwood
The (Academy Award) ceremonies are a two-hour meat parade, a public display with contrived suspense for economic reasons.
 George C. Scott
Introspection can easily become the tool of Satan, who is called the accuser. One of his chief weapons is discouragement. He knows that if he can make us discouraged and dispirited we will not fight the battle for holiness.
 Jerry Bridges
When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen.
Our enemies are Medes and Persians, men who for centuries have lived soft and luxurious lives; we of Macedon for generations past have been trained in the hard school of danger and war. Above all, we are free men, and they are slaves.
You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that you have one and accept responsibility for solving it.
You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that you have one and accept responsibility for solving it.
How important is it really that you feel satisfied right now for 2 minutes, compared to getting yourself free from addiction forever?
 Lee L Jampolsky