Understand the suffering of ...

Understand the suffering of worldly existence. 
Abandon its causes of ignorance and selfishness. 
Practice the path of meditation and compassion. 
Awaken from suffering within Great Peace.
Understand the suffering of worldly existence. Abandon its causes of ignorance and selfishness. Practice the path of meditation and compassion. Awaken from suffering within Great Peace.

Quotes from the same author

Those who attempt to conquer hatred by hatred are like warriors who take weapons to overcome others who bear arms. This does not end hatred, but gives it room to grow. But, ancient wisdom has advocated a different timeless strategy to overcome hatred. This eternal wisdom is to meet hatred with non-hatred. The method of trying to conquer hatred through hatred never succeeds in overcoming hatred. But, the method of overcoming hatred through non-hatred is eternally effective. That is why that method is described as eternal wisdom.
If one man kills a hundred men, and another man masters himself, the second man is the much greater warrior.
The no-mind not-thinks no-thoughts about no-things.
A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real, so he escapes the suffering.
Like the mother of the world, touch each being as your beloved child.