True greatness consists in ...
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Who sows virtue reaps honor.
You must show no mercy...nor have any belief whatsoever in how others judge you...for your greatness will silence them all.
When a warrior goes down, you pick up his shield and go play in honor of him.
Chip Kelly
Great warriors, like great earthquakes, are principally remembered for the mischief they have done.
Christian Nestell Bovee
Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.
Saint Francis de Sales
Quotes from the same author
If you would reform the world from its errors and vices, begin by enlisting the mothers.
Charles Simmons
Never go backward. Attempt, and do it with all your might. Determination is power.
Charles Simmons
Those who obtain riches by labor, care, and watching, know their value. Those who impart them to sustain and extend knowledge, virtue, and religion, know their use. Those who lose them by accident or fraud know their vanity. And those who experience the difficulties and dangers of preserving them know their perplexities.
Charles Simmons
Accurate knowledge is the basis of correct opinions; the want of it makes the opinions of most people of little value.
Charles Simmons
For the most part fraud in the end secures for its companions repentance and shame.
Charles Simmons