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Effort is a crucial ingredient for success. Whether it's in academics, career, sports, or personal development, effort plays a vital role in achieving our goals. However, it's not always easy to put in the required effort. Sometimes, we feel demotivated, tired, or simply lack the drive to work towards our objectives. That's where Effort Quotes come in handy. They provide us with the motivation and inspiration to keep going, even when the going gets tough. In this article, we've compiled some of the best Effort Quotes to help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Effort quotes

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

Duty quotes

The price of greatness is responsibility.

Discipline quotes

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

Determination quotes

Chase your dreams until you catch them...and then dream, catch, and dream again!
 Dee Marie

Courage quotes

Those who lack courage will never experience the fullness of life.

Confident quotes

Without confidence, you are a ship without a rudder.

Competition quotes

Embrace competition as an opportunity to shine.

Character quotes

Your character is your legacy.

Change quotes

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
 Lao Tzu

Challenge quotes

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

Business quotes

Business is more exciting than any game.
 Lord Beaverbrook

Blessed quotes

Blessed is he who has an ideal and is always trying to live up to it.

Believe quotes

Your beliefs shape your reality, so choose them wisely.

Attitude quotes

Attitude is everything, it shapes our thoughts and actions.

Alpha Male quotes

Alpha males don't need to put others in their place to feel powerful - they know their own worth.

Adaptation quotes

In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy.
 J. Paul Getty