To-day women constitute the ...

To-day women constitute the only class of sane people excluded from the franchise.
To-day women constitute the only class of sane people excluded from the franchise.
 Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi

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Sylvia Plath. Interesting poetess whose tragic suicide was misinterpreted as romantic by the college-girl mentality.
I think there was the studio mentality for a long time that women and girls can relate to a male hero, but boys and men can't relate to a female hero.
 Jennifer Lawrence
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
 Harriet Tubman
Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.
 William Ellery Channing
You must do the things you think you cannot do.

Quotes from the same author

... [the] special relation of women to children, in which the heart of the world has always felt there was something sacred, serves to impress upon women certain tendencies, to endow them with certain virtueswhich will render them of special value in public affairs.
 Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi
... my whole existence is governed by abstract ideas.... the ideal must be preserved regardless of fact.
 Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi
... men, accustomed to think of men as possessing sex attributes and other things besides, are accustomed to think of women as having sex, and nothing else.
 Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi