This weird thing happens when ...

This weird thing happens when you\'re in a movie that has some level of success. People start offering you all kinds of things, and they just expect you to do them because they\'ll be good for your career. It\'s not about the project\'s integrity or anything like that.
This weird thing happens when you're in a movie that has some level of success. People start offering you all kinds of things, and they just expect you to do them because they'll be good for your career. It's not about the project's integrity or anything like that.

Quotes from the same author

My mom is a script supervisor. It's like the family business. It never had that feeling of entertainment. It was always more like, "Eh, it's just a movie," with that crew mentality, which is, "We've done it before and we can do it again.
I'm so grateful that I was raised by a mother who really instilled in me that my moral compass and achievements all had to come from a real place that had nothing to do with my beauty or how I looked. That was very big for her.
My mother found a letter, though, that I wrote her when I was 8 years old and it was a letter where I asked if she could take me to the orphanage because I would like to adopt a little baby.
I can't do what my mother did, which is tell me every single day of my life about her labor and how long it was and how it was 36 hours of hell .
Everyone always says, 'Kristen got 'Panic Room' because she looks like Jodie Foster.' But it was actually Nicole Kidman who was supposed to play my mother.