There was a certain power ...

There was a certain power beautiful mothers held over their less beautiful daughters.
 Sarah Addison Allen

Quotes from the same author

Everything had felt so precarious since her mother's death, like she was walking on a bridge made of paper.
 Sarah Addison Allen
Coffee, she'd discovered, was tied to all sorts of memories, different for each person. Sunday mornings, friendly get-togethers, a favorite grandfather long since gone, the AA meeting that saved their life. Coffee meant something to people. Most found their lives were miserable without it. Coffee was a lot like love that way. And because Rachel believed in love, she believed in coffee, too.
 Sarah Addison Allen
Children always know when their mothers are crazy - they just never admit it, not out loud, to anyone.
 Sarah Addison Allen
all we have is our deep and abiding love for each other. We can't loose that or we loose ourselves. If we don't help each other, who will?
 Sarah Addison Allen
Being left makes you doubt your ability to keep people, even friends.
 Sarah Addison Allen