There's such a crazy social ...

There's such a crazy social expectation now that we put on ourselves and on each other about what motherhood is supposed to look and feel like. And it's impossible to live up to those standards. You're setting yourself up for failure at every possible turn.
 Kathryn Hahn

Quotes from the same author

I have two kids, and when my oldest was first born, it was the most vulnerable feeling in the world. I remember taking him to his first doctor's appointment, and on the sheet, it said "mother," and I put my mom's name. I was like, "Oh, right, I ... I'm the mother!" You just feel so vulnerable.
 Kathryn Hahn
We live in a society now where it's very rare for your parents to be around. It used to be like, your mother, grandmothers, your family around would help. Now, you're surrounded by other moms and friends and it's really disorienting, because there's such varying, crazy, different points of view and advice coming at you.
 Kathryn Hahn
I also feel like motherhood, especially, is seen usually in movies with this saintly veil over it. There's something about tipping that and showing what's actually going on. Or the wish fulfillment of probably most moms, which is really exciting. It's an area that's unexplored.
 Kathryn Hahn
There's something about looking at society's expectation of what [motherhood] is and tipping it.
 Kathryn Hahn
I feel like I've been able to be my true self and discover what I can honestly bring to the table by working with other women.
 Kathryn Hahn