There is an art to acting, ...

There is an art to acting, and there are techniques that are acquired. You can be as emotional as you'd like, as a person, but figuring out ways that you can bring specific emotions at specific times and have them be true, and relating to someone as someone that they're not, is a lot.
 Zoe Bell

Quotes from the same author

I would find it more difficult if somebody else was doing the action.
 Zoe Bell
I'm certainly not on a mission to be taken seriously as a dramatic actress, any more than I am just to be able to get roles that are exciting and satisfying to me. If that means action, then that means action.
 Zoe Bell
When my physicality is involved, it's kind of my comfort zone, so I find it much easier to access emotions.
 Zoe Bell
I've always appreciated great acting performances, but I've even learned to appreciate not so great ones 'cause it's hard.
 Zoe Bell
The physical element of a role is something I'm super familiar with, and I love it. I've definitely made the transition into acting over doubling, just because I needed to make it clear to myself, so that I fully committed.
 Zoe Bell