There can be no friendship ...

There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity.
There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity.

More phrases

Who sows virtue reaps honor.
He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.
The fixed determination to have acquired the warrior soul, to either conquer or perish with honor, is the secret of victory.
 George S. Patton
We are all warriors. Each of us struggles every day to define and defend our sense of purpose and integrity, to justify our existence on the planet and to understand, if only within our own hearts, who we are and what we believe in.
 Steven Pressfield
See first with your mind, then with your eyes, and finally with your body.
 Yagyu Munenori

Quotes from the same author

If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, sir, should keep his friendship in a constant repair.
To keep your secret is wisdom; but to expect others to keep it is folly.
Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise.
Memory is the mother of all wisdom.
Friendship, like love, is destroyed by long absence, though it may be increased by short intermissions.