The word of God came down to ...

The word of God came down to man as rain to soil, and the result was mud, not clear water. (Bistami) Pg. 128
 Kim Stanley Robinson

Quotes from the same author

Science was many things, Nadia thought, including a weapon with which to hit other scientists.
 Kim Stanley Robinson
History is a wave that moves through time slightly faster than we do.
 Kim Stanley Robinson
The Quran says nothing about the veil, except for an injunction to veil the bosom, which is obvious. As for the face, Muhammad's wife Khadijeh never wore the veil, nor did the other wives of the Prophet after Khadijeh died. [...] The ulema have twisted the Quran with their hadith, always twisting it toward those in power, until the message Muhammad laid out so clearly, straight from God, has been reversed, and good Muslim women are made like slaves again, or worse.
 Kim Stanley Robinson
It is easy to live multiple lives! What is hard is to be a whole person
 Kim Stanley Robinson
Beauty is power and elegance, right action, form fitting function, intelligence, and reasonability. And very often expressed in curves.
 Kim Stanley Robinson