The word Gothic, in the sense ...

The word Gothic, in the sense in which it is generally employed, is wholly unsuitable, but wholly consecrated. Hence we accept it and we adopt it, like all the rest of the world, to characterize the architecture of the second half of the Middle Ages, where the ogive is the principle which succeeds the architecture of the first period, of which the semi-circle is the father.
The word Gothic, in the sense in which it is generally employed, is wholly unsuitable, but wholly consecrated. Hence we accept it and we adopt it, like all the rest of the world, to characterize the architecture of the second half of the Middle Ages, where the ogive is the principle which succeeds the architecture of the first period, of which the semi-circle is the father.

Quotes from the same author

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.
Life is the flower for which love is the honey.
I dislike wealth and prosperity, especially that of other men.
God has made the cat to give man the pleasure of caressing the tiger.
A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.