The voice I had accepted as ...

The voice I had accepted as Divine Guidance was actually the voice of my ego leading me right into destruction.
The voice I had accepted as Divine Guidance was actually the voice of my ego leading me right into destruction.

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A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.
To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.
He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.
From warriors ravens grew red And with their leader a host attacked.
If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.

Quotes from the same author

In 2002, my daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of colon cancer. And it was such a shock, a surprise to us.
Well the beauty of 'Iyanla: Fix My Life' is that men are in every show. To our surprise, some of the deepest healing demonstrations have been with the men - the sons, the fathers, the husbands - because they agree to participate with the wife or the daughter or whatever it is we are looking at, and it is there.
Truth is love's mother, and we all know it is not wise to lie to anyone's mother.
From speaking with my mother I learned that forgiveness is a process that begins with the choice to end your own suffering.
My purpose is to teach and demonstrate what is possible. To demonstrate love of God and good. Remember what my role is as a woman: to be... good. My role as a mother: to teach, support and nurture my offspring. My role as a grandmother: to remind everybody - right where you are, God is.