The Republican Party looks at ...

The Republican Party looks at massive immigration, legal and illegal, as a source of cheap labor, satisfying a very important constituency.
 Tom Tancredo

Quotes from the same author

To be called a sovereign nation, a nation has to be able to control its own borders. It is controlling your own destiny in a way, and we don't control our own borders.
 Tom Tancredo
Look at what has happened to Miami. It has become a Third World country. You just pick it up and take it and move it someplace. You would never know you're in the United States of America. You would certainly say you're in a Third World country.
 Tom Tancredo
We have to fight radical Islam wherever it exists. It’s in Afghanistan, it’s in Saudi Arabia, throughout the Middle-East in big numbers and it’s in the United States.
 Tom Tancredo