The rational transparency and ...

The rational transparency and beauty of the universe are surely too remarkable to be treated as just happy accidents.
The rational transparency and beauty of the universe are surely too remarkable to be treated as just happy accidents.
 John Polkinghorne

More phrases

Who sows virtue reaps honor.
You must show no mercy...nor have any belief whatsoever in how others judge you...for your greatness will silence them all.
When a warrior goes down, you pick up his shield and go play in honor of him.
 Chip Kelly
Great warriors, like great earthquakes, are principally remembered for the mischief they have done.
 Christian Nestell Bovee
Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.
 Saint Francis de Sales

Quotes from the same author

The test of a theory is its ability to cope with all the relevant phenomena, not its a priori 'reasonableness'. The latter would have proved a poor guide in the development of science, which often makes progress by its encounter with the totally unexpected and initially extremely puzzling.
 John Polkinghorne
God didn't produce a ready-made world. The Creator has done something cleverer than this, making a world able to make itself.
 John Polkinghorne
Mathematics is the abstract key which turns the lock of the physical universe.
 John Polkinghorne
Science cannot tell theology how to construct a doctrine of creation, but you can't construct a doctrine of creation without taking account of the age of the universe and the evolutionary character of cosmic history.
 John Polkinghorne
Well, it's because I gladly acknowledge some ideas that are part of process theology, but which I think are not tied to all the details of process thought, and are very illuminating and helpful.
 John Polkinghorne